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English translation for "deposit bank"


Related Translations:
swap deposit:  掉期存款
unrecorded deposit:  未记帐的存款未入帐存款
coast deposit:  海岸沉积
network deposit:  网脉矿床
term deposit:  定期存款。
reservoir deposits:  水库泥沙水库淤积
deposit godown:  存货仓库
deposit sequence:  焊着顺序熔敷次序
dental deposit:  齿垢
hydrate deposit:  水合物沉积
Example Sentences:
1.Deposit bank : citic bank , fuyang city sub - branch
2.The fund ' s assets primarily invested in short - term monetary instruments such as treasury bills , commercial paper , certificates of deposit banks regularly , the government short - term bonds , corporate bonds , and other short - term securities
3.Evidence showing that the employer is in control of substantial assets such as recent properties tax assessment , fixed deposits bank savings statements for the last 6 months with an aggregated amount of no less than hk 350 , 000 . , etc
可显示雇主持有可观资产的证明,例如最近期的物业税评税通知书、过去六个月的定期存款/储蓄存款结单(结存金额不少于港币350 , 000元)等。
4.Bank reference letter showing banking facilities granted to the employer s company or evidence showing that the employer is in control of substantial assets such as recent properties tax assessment , fixed deposits bank savings statements for the last 6 months with an aggregated amount of no less than hk 350 , 000 . , etc
可显示雇主的公司获批的银行信贷额的银行证明书或可显示雇主持有可观资产的证明,例如最近期的物业税评税通知书、过去六个月的定期存款/储蓄存款结单(结存金额不少于港币350 , 000元)等。
Similar Words:
"deposit at notice" English translation, "deposit at the treasury" English translation, "deposit attack" English translation, "deposit augmentation" English translation, "deposit back arrangement" English translation, "deposit bluff" English translation, "deposit book" English translation, "deposit book, pa ook" English translation, "deposit book, passbook" English translation, "deposit book,passbook" English translation